
Delivery Service Robot

Small Intelligent Service Robots

Service Robot Chassis

Robot Round Chassis

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Product Advantages


The circular chassis of the robot mainly integrates the company's core SLAM technology and has autonomous  navigation capabilities. Without any artificial landmarks, it can adapt to complex dynamic scenes. It can be docked with intelligent charging piles, and can achieve 7X24 hours of operation. Support status control and status  monitoring, and can be connected with WMS/EPR/MES system. According to the application requirements of  industrial customers, pallets, light cooperation arms, rollers, etc. can be installed to realize automatic docking with  factory equipment. According to the application needs of educational customers, it provides low-level drivers and  control interfaces, integrates multi-sensors such as laser, vision and depth cameras, and supports ROS/ROS2  systems. It is easy to start and secondary development.

Product Parameters


The innovative bionic design from multiple angles such as aesthetics and ergonomics, whether it's the height of the body, the tilt of the screen, or the curve of the shape, every angle is appropriate, without a trace of redundancy.

Detailed Specifications


Battery life8hoursSpeedMax 1.5m/s